To be frank with you, ever since having you under my charge, I've seen that you,re a resilient person with a jovial attitude. it also seem to me that nothing seems to be able to bring you down, and the slightest things seem to light you up. continue this field camp with such a mentality, learn to enjoy the little things in life as those are what truly brings contentment to a man.
No matter how drastic the condition is, no matter how much you,re suffering, simple things like having a good comrade to talk to, drinking ( or rather eating) a pack of drink mix should not be taken for granted. enjoy what you have rather than harping on what you don,t will seriously make life much easier for you
Getting to read this letter would mean you,re already into the third day of field camp, and everything will be ending in the blink of an eye. you've done well so far, persevering , enduring the pain your feet is giving you, and i hope that you'll never give up. Be it for issues regarding life, or in the military. Good Luck and work hard for the remaining of the days!
Your sincerely
I really appreciated this letter and it really boost my moral Up think of it makes me a True Man.